BMB Charity Events
Welcome to our dedicated charity page! Here you will find information on recent or upcoming charitable endeavours by BMB and the team.
We very much appreciate your support and taking part in any (or all!) of the events and fundraising efforts we offer, it makes all the difference to the people and communities that you are helping.
This September
This September we are supporting Cancer Research UK. A really important cause that helps many people across the UK.
To kick start September, we invite you to join in the fun and enter yourself into the raffle to win a BMB Hamper worth over £200!
Entries cost £10 each and all proceeds go to Cancer Research UK. The draw will be made on the 7th October 2024 and announced on the FREE Monday Live Show.
To be entered into the raffle you simply need to donate £10 or more, stating your First and Last name followed by the word RAFF on the below donations page, we will then add your name to draw. GOOD LUCK!
This is something that the BMB family can all get involved in, whether it’s running or cheering from the side lines! Our Cruise Specialist, Gary along with Helen and of course little Alfie, will be doing a 5K inflatable fun run at the end of the month! YOU CAN LEARN ALL ABOUT IT HERE.
We would really appreciate a donation to show your support as they take on this huge obstacle course in aid of a really good cause. You can show your support by DONATING HERE!
For anyone attending our events at Denham Grove in September or October, you will be treated to some home baked goodies on your coffee breaks! We kindly ask that you leave a donation in the Cancer Research UK collection box next to the cakes, so please be sure to bring some change (or a note!) so you can grab yourself a tasty treat!
*Disclaimer: No ingredients list will be provided for the cakes on sale at Denham Grove and we accept no responsibility for allergies or dietary requirements if consumed. Image for illustration only.
The efforts don’t stop there! Whatever we raise during the month of September, BMB will match the funds raised and add it to our total donation to Cancer Research UK. So please do get involved and help us achieve.