Where Do I Start?
Find out what’s included in BMB membership and how to get around the site:
Click here if you are a Full Member
Click here if you are a Novice Member
Click here if you have not signed up yet and want to learn more about BMB
Shop Purchases
- If this is your first purchase from us, after you have placed your order you will receive an email from Bernard Magee Bridge advising that your ‘Account has been created’.
- You will need to look at this for your username and password (note: if you cannot see an email please check your spam / junk folders and then move the email to your inbox).
- If you have purchased from BMB before, please use your current login username and password.
- Next go to bernardmageebridge.com and click on the yellow ‘Login’ button (top right of the page) You will then arrive on the ‘HOME’ page.
- Click the yellow ‘Your Orders’ button in the top red bar.
- This takes you to your ‘Your BMB Shop Orders’.
- Select ‘Orders’ and you can see a list of all your ‘BMB Orders’.
- Scroll to find the purchase you want to see, then click the relevant button in the ‘Access Content’ column in order to view.
- Your purchase will stay in ‘Your Orders’ and you will be able to watch it at any time.
- If you have any problems with your purchase please email us: [email protected]
Practice & Play
As a BMB member you have access to many arranged online games. The games format and details on how to use the various playing platforms are all detailed here (this information is for members only).
Video Player Troubleshooting
One of the most common issues members experience is lack of sound or picture quality on videos. 99% of the time, this can be easily resolved by adjusting a video player setting.
NOTE: video player settings can be overridden by browsers which is why a setting may need to be re-applied from time to time.
Video Player Sound

When you hover your cursor over the video, the control bar shows on the video screen. Look for the volume indicator on the control bar at the bottom of the video player. This control has grey or white vertical bars which, when you press and drag to the right, increases the volume. By default the sound should be right up on the setting shown.
Video Player Size
In order to make the video player larger, you can easily enter full-screen mode. When you hover your cursor over the video, the control bar shows on the video screen. On the bottom right of the video screens is a button that will make the video full screen. To get out of full screen press this same button again.
Picture Looks Fuzzy
When you hover your cursor over the video, the control bar shows on the video screen. To increase the quality of the video (sharper image), click the cog on the bottom right corner of the video player:
A pop-up box shows picture quality options. The lower the number, the worse the video quality, so low quality at 240p results in a fuzzy image.

The default setting is Auto but this can result in low picture quality. The player attempts to judge the best quality for your internet speed and sometimes it can simply get it wrong.
You can manually force the player to use a higher quality by selecting the 1080p setting like this:

Browser and Tablet Help
All computers and devices behave slightly differently. Windows computers behave differently to Macs and tablets behave differently to computers.
The following documents should help with the most common issues encountered between these devices.
Increasing Text Size
Sometimes it’s helpful to increase the text size on screen. Here’s how:
If you are using an iPad then you can increase the screen size by using your thumb and finger:
Place a thumb and finger pinched together (or two fingers) on the screen and then spread them apart.
This action allows you to see a close-up of items on the screen. Pinch open quickly to immediately increase the page size to 200 per cent. Or pinch slowly to gradually increase the size.
To decrease do the reverse action.
If you are using a PC computer (laptop or desktop) you can increase your browser size:
Hold down CTRL (control button) and press ‘+’.
To decrease the size, hold down CTRL (control button) and press ‘-‘.
Chrome Browser: Clear the Cache
Why do I need to clear the cache?
If you are having difficulties accessing the BMB website, this may be the result of what is called “browser caching”. This is where your web browser keeps copies of frequently visited web pages to reduce load times.
Caching works really well for pages that don’t change but can cause problems with interactive websites such as Bernard Magee Bridge where content is frequently updated. ‘Clearing the cache’ normally resolves such issues. This may also helps to resolve any browser issues you have after a system or security updates on your device. You can clear the cache without deleting ‘Saved Passwords / Log-in’ or browser data.
The Google Chrome browser is the one with an icon that looks like this:

Firstly, ensure you are logged out of BMB. Then navigate to Chrome settings. Select ‘Chrome‘ from the top menu bar (if you can’t see the menu bar, hover your cursor at the top of the screen and this will menu bar appear).

Then select Clear Browsing Data like this:

A new window will then pop-up. Inside that window do the following:
- Select the ‘Time range’ to clear: All time
- Select ‘Cookies and other site data’ & ‘Cached Images and files’.
- Now press ‘Clear data’ and wait for the ‘Cookies’ and ‘Cache’ to clear.

Congratulations! You have now cleared your Chrome browser cache.
Now open up the bernardmageebridge.com website and click ‘OK’ in the cookie request box to ‘Enable Cookies’ – otherwise your access to material on the BMB site may be limited.
Safari Browser: Clear the Cache
Why do I need to clear the cache?
If you are having difficulties accessing the BMB website, this may be the result of what is called “browser caching”. This is where your web browser keeps copies of frequently visited web pages to reduce load times.
Caching works really well for pages that don’t change but can cause problems with interactive websites such as Bernard Magee Bridge where content is frequently updated. ‘Clearing the cache’ normally resolves such issues. This may also helps to resolve any browser issues you have after a system or security updates on your device. You can clear the cache without deleting ‘Saved Passwords / Log-in’ or browser data.
The Apple Safari browser is the one with an icon that looks like this:

Firstly, ensure you are logged out of BMB. Then navigate to Safari preferences.

In the pop-up window that appears after clicking Preferences, select Privacy at the top and then Manage Website Data.

Once you have clicked Manage Website Data, a new window appears. Wait for the window to populate with the cookies list.
Once the list has populated, scroll down to find bernardmageebridge.com. Click on it once so the background goes blue and then click Remove, followed by Done. This will ONLY remove the bernardmageebridge.com cookies from the cache and leave all your other data intact.

Finally, Quit Safari, re-open and navigate to bernardmageebridge.com. Click Ok to accept cookies from BMB and you should be all set.

Help and Resources
Help with BMB and Using Your Device
The BMB Team is Here!
If you’re ever stuck working your way round BMB or need help with your computer or tablet when using BMB, we’re here to help.
Simply send the team and email at: [email protected] and we’ll get straight back to you.