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Bmb Club White 30


Bmb Club White 30

Week 0232 : 2nd December 2024


Defence mechanism against strong (16+pts) artificial opening bids of 1♣ (as in Precision and Blue Club systems). The principle is to counter honour- point strength with distributional values.

An overcall shows a two-suited hand with at least 5-4 distribution in the suits pinpointed by the following bids over 1♣:

1 shows diamonds and hearts.
1 shows hearts and spades.
1♠ shows spades and clubs.
2♣ shows clubs and diamonds 1NT shows diamonds and spades Double shows clubs and hearts.

In fourth seat, after an artificial 1♣ opening and an artificial response (such as a 1 negative or a control -showing response), the principle is the same. The lowest four suit bids show the lower of touching suits; double shows non-touching suits including the suit doubled; no-trumps shows the other non-touching two-suiter.

You can also play Truscott over an Acol/Benjamin 2♣; all the bids are a level higher than over a strong 1♣.

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