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Bmb Club White 30


Bmb Club White 30

Week 0237 : 6th January 2025


A play made in an attempt to cause a blockage in the opponents’ suit. For example:

West leads the ♠6 against South’s 3NT. The contract is in danger if spades split 5-2, because the defenders might make four spade tricks and the A. Since you would expect West to lead the king from K-Q-J-x-x, you can place East with at least one of the missing honours. In this case, if spades are 5-2, the play of the ace from dummy will block the suit. East cannot play the queen without giving declarer a second stopper. Similarly, when one of them gains the lead, they cannot afford to play the king and queen on the same trick without promoting South’s holding into a fourth-round winner.

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